AWS System Manager (SSM) Parameter Store is a common place for teams to keep track of key/value data and sensitive information. Not to be confused with “Secrets Manager” from AWS which is about 10x the cost and offers only specialized upside as both services can securely store data and make it easily accessible. Read more about the differences here.

This is an example of using an HTTP Request Action Credential with Parameter Store.

  1. Create a parameter named ‘password’ in Parameter Store. Use the following HTTP Request Action Credential to get the value from Parameter Store.


  "url": "<>",
  "method": "post",
  "content_type": "application/x-amz-json-1.1",
  "payload": {
    "Name": "password"
  "headers": {
    "Authorization": "{{}}",
    "X-Amz-Target": "AmazonSSM.GetParameter"
  1. The password value will be located at aws_ssm.body.Parameter.Value

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